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Dr Efstratios Loizou

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9779-0226


Agricultural Economics and Policy, Rural Development, Input-Output Modeling, Interindustry Linkages and Impact Analysis


1997 – 2001 – PhD in Agricultural Economics
Department of Agricultural Economics, School of Agriculture
Aristotle University of  Thessaloniki

1993 – 1995 – Μaster of Science (M.Sc) in Agricultural Resource Economics / Management Option
Department of Rural Economics and Development
International Centre of Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (I.C.A.M.A.S.)
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (Μ.Α.Ι.Ch.)

1992 – 1993 – Diploma of Specialized Post-graduate Studies (DSPU) in Agricultural Resource Economics /Management Option
Department of Rural Economics and Development
I.C.A.M.A.S. – Μ.Α.Ι.Ch

1987 – 1992 – BSc in Economics
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki

Work experience

2014- – Professor
Division of Agricultural Economics – Department of Agricultural Technology, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Macedonia – Florina, Greece branch

2010-2014 – Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Products Marketing and Quality Control
Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Macedonia – Florina, Greece

2004-2010 – Assistant Professor
Department of Agricultural Products Marketing and Quality Control
Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Macedonia – Florina, Greece

2005-2010 (5 academic semesters) – Teaching staff
University of Thessaly
School of Agricultural Sciences
Inter-departmental Program of Postgraduate Studies (MSc)
Subject (in cooperation): Innovation and Technology Management in Agriculture

2001-2003 – Adjunct Assistant Prof.
Technological Educational Institute (TEI) Kavalas
School of Economics and Management, Department of Accounting
Subject: Microeconomics

1996-1999 – Research Assistant
Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF, Athens, Greece).

1995-1996 – Credit Officer

List of publications

Journal Publications

  1. Loizou E., Mattas K., and Pagoulatos A. (1997). Macro-monetary Effects on Agricultural Prices: the Case of Greek Agriculture. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 4, pp. 397-401.
  2. Mattas K., Fotopoulos C., Tzouvelekas V., Loizou E. and K Polymeros (1999). The Dynamics of Crop Sectors in Regional Development: The Case of Tobacco. International Advances in Economic Research, Vol. 5, No 2, pp 255-268.
  3. Loizou E., Mattas K., Tzouvelekas V., Fotopoulos C and K Galanopoulos. (2000). Regional Economic Development and Environmental Repercussions: An Environmental Input-Output Approach, International Advances in Economic Research, Vol. 6, Νo 3, pp 373-386.
  4. Tzouvelekas V., Loizou S, Giannakas K., Mattas K. (2001). Co-integration and Error-Correction Modeling of Olive-Oil Consumption in Greece. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 539-543
  5. Michailidis, A., Polymeros, K. and Loizou, E. (2006). Biologic olive oil quality: an illustration of consumers’ perception”. International Review of Applied Economic Research, Vol. 1(1), pp. 35-45.
  6. Kulisic B., Loizou E., Rozakis S. and Segon, V. (2007). Impacts of biodiesel production on Croatian economy. Energy Policy, Vol. 35 (12).
  7. Melfou K., Loizou E., Mamalis, S., Michailidis A. (2007) Income elasticity of import demand for agricultural products in Greece. International Review of Applied Economic Research, Vol 2 (1).
  8. Theodosiou G., Michailidis A., Loizou E., Chatzitheodoridis F. and Sergaki P. (2010). Endogenous Rural Development: evidence from a typical Greek region. Economics and Rural Development Vol.6 (2), pp. 17-23.
  9. Michailidis, A., Nastis S.A., Loizou E. and Mattas K. (2010). Adoption of water saving practices in the region of West Macedonia. Journal of Extension Systems, Vol. 26(2), pp. 14-25.
  10. Michailidis, A., Nastis S.A. and Loizou E. (2012). Mobile Communications Technology in Rural Societies of Developing Countries. Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 31(3) pp. 319 – 334.
  11. Mattas K. and Loizou E. (2013). Agriculture: a powerful tool of rural development in the current economic crisis. Watch Letter, No 24, pp. 3-5.
  12. Loizou E., Michailidis A. and Chatzitheodoridis, F. (2013). Investigating the drivers that influence the adoption of differentiated food products: The case of a Greek urban area. British Food Journal, Vol. 115(7), pp. 917-953.
  13. Loizou E., Michailidis A. and Karasavvoglou A. (2014). Return Migration: Evidences from a Reception Country with Short Migration History. European Urban and Regional Studies, 21 (2), (doi:10.1177/0969776412444507).
  14. Loizou E., Chatzitheodoridis, F. Polymeros K., Michailidis A. and Mattas K. (2014). Sustainable development of rural coastal areas: Impacts of a new fisheries policy. Land Use Policy 38, pp. 41– 47.
  15. Chatzitheodoridis F., Kontogeorgos A., & E., Loizou (2014). The lean years: Private investment in the Greek rural areas. Procedia Economics and Finance 14:137–146, DOI: 10.1016/S2212-5671(14)00695-9.
  16. Kontogeorgos, Michailidis, A., Chatzitheodoridis. F., & E. Loizou (2014). New Farmers a Crucial Parameter for the Greek Primary Sector: Assessments and Perceptions. Procedia Economics and Finance 14:333 – 341, DOI: 10.1016/S2212-5671(14)00721-7.
  17. Loizou E, Chatzitheodoridis F, Michailidis A, Tsakiri M, Theodossiou G. (2015). Linkages of the energy sector in the Greek Economy: An input-output approach, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 9(3):393-411. DOI:10.1108/IJESM-06-2013-0004.
  18. Apostolidou I., Kontogeorgos, Michailidis, A. and E. Loizou (2015). The Role of Agriculture in Economic Growth: A Comparison of Mediterranean and Northern Views in Europe. International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research 7 (3): 81-102
  19. Michailidis, A., Papadaki-Klavdianou, A., Torres, I.L., Pereira, A.F., Hanel, M., Buhagiar, J., Shilev, S., Michaelidis, E., Loizou, E., Chatzitheodoridis, F., Restoy, R.C., Lopez, A.L. (2015). Exploring treated wastewater issues related to agriculture in Europe, employing a quantitative swot analysis, Procedia Economics and Finance, 33: 367-375  (doi: 1016/S2212-5671(15)01721-9).
  20. Melfou, K., Loizou, E., Oxouzi, E. and Papanagiotou E. (2015) Economic Performance of Quality Labeled Saffron in Greece, Procedia Economics and Finance, 24, p.p.419 – 425.
  21. Tsourgiannis , Loizou E., Karasavoglou A., Tsourgiannis, C.H. and Valsamidis S. (2015). Consumers’ Buying Behaviour Towards Local Food in Greece During Economic Depression Period. International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, Vol.02, pp. 32-48, DOI: 10.15556/IJSIM.02.04.003
  22. Kontogeorgos, A, Chatzitheodoridis F, Loizou E. (2016). Adaptation Strategies for the Greek Agricultural Cooperatives during the Economic Crisis, Agricultural Economics, 62 (1): 26-34. doi: 10.17221/22/2015-AGRICECON.
  23. Chatzitheodoridis F., Kontogeorgos, A., Liltsi P., Apostolidou I., Michailidis, A. and Loizou E. (2016). Small Women’s Cooperatives in less favored and mountainous areas under economic instability. Agricultural Economics Review, Vol.17 (1).
  24. Karelakis C., Loizou E., Vladu M. (2016). Exploring the Competitiveness, οf the Greek Fisheries Sector. Analele Universităţii din Craiova, seria Agricultură – Montanologie – Cadastru (Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol. XLVI 2016, Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture.
  25. Chatzitheodoridis F., Kontogeorgos, A. and Loizou E. (2017). Behind the Image: An Investigation of Greek Firefighter’s Body Mass Index. Pakistan Journal Of Nutrition, 16 (7), pp. 525-530. DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2017.525.530.
  26. Mattas K., and Loizou E. (2017). The CAP as a Job Stabiliser. EuroChoices, Vol. 16(3), pp. 23-26, DOI: 10.1111/1746-692X.12170

Conference Proceedings

  1. Giannakas, K., Loizou, S., Mattas, K. and V. Tzouvelekas (2000). Cointegration Analysis and The Demand of Olive-Oil in Greece, in Restructuring of Greek Agricultural Sector, K. Apostolopoulos (ed.), Athens: Stamoulis Press, 2000, pp. 599-608 (in Greek).
  2. Loizou S. and Tzouvelekas V. (2002). Identifying Key Development Sectors in the Greek Economy: An Input-Output Model, in Future Prospects of Greek Agriculture, K. Mattas (ed.), 2001 (in Greek).
  3. Tsakiridou, E., Loizou E. and Karasavvoglou A. (2003): Rural Economies and Migration: Permanent or Temporary Residence, the case of Kavala Prefecture. pp. 485-495, proceedings of the 16th Conference of Statistics, “Statistics Theory & Data Analysis in Social and Economic Sciences, Ziti publications, Thessaloniki.
  4. Karasavvoglou , Tsakiridou, E., Loizou E., Nikolaidis M., Mbatzios C. and Mattas K. (2004). Migrants and their willingness to be legalized in Rural Areas: The case of Kavala Prefecture. Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the Greek Association of Agricultural Economists “The Rural Society in a changing Agricultural Space”, pp. 603-617, Ministry of Agriculture publications, Athens(in Greek).
  5. Loizou S., Tzouvelekas V., Mattas K. and M. Tsakiri (2004). Regional Development Initiatives: An Impact Analysis. In the proceeding of the Seminar “Regional and Rural Development Interface”, Editura SINCRON, Cluj-Napoca.
  6. Polymeros K., Loizou E. and Tsakiridou E. (2005). Competitiveness Indices Estimation of the Greek Fisheries. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Greek Association of Agricultural Economists “Greek Agriculture in the Enlarged EU: New Challenges and Orientations”. Agrotypos publications, Athens (in Greek).
  7. Melfou, K. Loizou, E. And Mamalis S. (2005). Income elasticity of import demand for agricultural products in Greece before and after the Accession in the EU. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Greek Association of Agricultural Economists “Greek Agriculture in the Enlarged EU: New Challenges and Orientations”. Agrotypos publications, Athens (in Greek).
  8. Tsakiri Μ., Mattas K. and Loizou E. (2005). Developing Priorities in the Region of Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki: An Input-Output Model. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Greek Association of Agricultural Economists “Greek Agriculture in the Enlarged EU: New Challenges and Orientations”. Agrotypos publications, Athens (in Greek).
  9. Mattas Κ., Loizou Ε., Tzouvelekas V. and S. Rozakis (2005). Policy Decisions Evaluation in Agriculture Employing Input-Output Analysis: The Case of Tobacco Sector Regime Reform. Proceedings of the 89th EAAE Seminar, 3-5 February, 2005 entitled “Modelling agricultural policies: State of the art and new challenges”, Monte Universita Parma, Italy.
  10. Mattas Κ., Loizou Ε. and Tzouvelekas V. (2006). Agro-food Linkages in Rural Areas: An Empirical Evaluation of Integrated Development Programs. Proceedings of the OECD workshop entitled “Coherence of Agricultural and Rural Development Policies”, OECD publications.
  11. Michailidis A., Loizou, E. and Theodossiou, G. (2007). Socioeconomic Evaluation and Ranking of Infrastructure Projects”. Proceedings of the 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), “Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean”, Volos (Greece), 30 August-3 September, 2006.
  12. Michailidis A., Loizou, E., Mattas K. and Melfou, K. (2007). Agro-food Dynamics in a Region’s Growth”. Proceedings of the 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), “Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean”, Volos (Greece), 30 August-3 September, 2006.
  13. Loizou E., Chatzitheodoridis F, Mattas K. and Polymeros K. (2010). Fisheries Policies Impacts Consideration towards the Development of Rural Coastal Areas. Proceedings of the 118th Seminar of the E.A.A.E. “Rural Development: Governance, Policy Design and Delivery”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp.281-295.
  14. Semerak V., Kresimir Z., Loizou E. and Golemanova-Kuharova A. (2010). Regional Input-Output Analysis: Application On Rural Regions In Germany, The Czech Republic And Greece. Proceedings of the 118th Seminar of the E.A.A.E. “Rural Development: Governance, Policy Design and Delivery”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 897-911.
  15. Michailidis A., Loizou E., Nastis S. and Mattas K. (2010). Mobile Telephony As a Change Driver In Rural Areas. Proceedings of the 118th Seminar of the E.A.A.E. “Rural Development: Governance, Policy Design and Delivery”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 657-666.
  16. Theodosiou G., Michailidis A., Loizou E. and Chatzitheodoridis F. (2010). Rural Areas Development Through Endogenous Potentials. Proceedings of the 118th Seminar of the E.A.A.E. “Rural Development: Governance, Policy Design and Delivery”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 931-938.
  17. Tsakiri M., Loizou E., Michailidis A. and Natos (2012). The interrelation of demographic and employment changes and their impacts upon a regional agricultural economy. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference “The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the changed world” pp. 252-261, ISBN: 978-960-363-042-5 – ISSN: 1792-4383.
  18. Tsourgiannis L., Loizou E., Karasavvoglou A., Tsourgiannis C.A. and Florou (2015). Consumers’ Purchasing Behaviour Patterns Regarding Organic Wine in a Southern E.U. Country, pp. 520-539. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA), Kavala, Greece, September 17-20, 2015.
  19. Apostolidou I., Michailidis A., Loizou E., Karelakis C., Chatzitheodoridis F. and Kontogeorgos A. (2017). Investment decisions in agriculture under economic instability: Evidence from Greece. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference “The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the changed world” pp. 43-48, ISBN: 978-960-363-066-1, ISSN: 1792-4383.
  20. Loizou E., Jurga P., Rozakis S., Faber A. 2019. Assessing the Potentials of Bioeconomy Sectors in Poland Employing Input-Output Modeling. Sustainability, 2019, 11, 594; doi:10.3390.

Chapters in Collective Volumes-Books

  1. Fotopoulos Ch., Tzouvelekas V., Loizou E. and Semos A. (1999). Tobacco. In Apostolopoulos K. and Fotopoulos Ch. (eds) “The Mediterranean Products as Traditional Greek Products and the future of the support means”, pp. 184-207, Ministry of Agriculture, Athens.
  2. Mattas K. and Loizou E. (2005). The Role of EU Policies in Technological Innovation in Agriculture. In Land, Shops and Kitchens: Technology and the Food Chain in Twentieth-Century Europe, edited by Sarasua C., Scholliers P. and Van Molle L. BREPOLS, Belgium.
  3. Mattas Κ., Loizou Ε., Rozakis S. and Tzouvelekas V. (2005). Agricultural Modelling: An Input-Output Approach. In Leaves and Cigarettes: Modelling the Tobacco Industry, edited by Ferretti F. FrancoAngeli, Milano, Italy.
  4. Mattas K., Loizou S., Tzouvelekas V., Tsakiri M. and Bonfiglio A. (2006). Deriving regional I-O tables and multipliers. In: Bonfiglio A., Esposti R. and Sotte F. (eds) Rural Balkans and EU Integration: An Input-Output Approach. Franco Angeli.
  5. Mattas K., Loizou S., Tzouvelekas V. and Tsakiri M. (2006). Old EU Member States in Balkans: the Case of Region of Thessalia . In: Bonfiglio A., Esposti R. and Sotte F. (eds) Rural Balkans and EU Integration: An Input-Output Approach.  Franco Angeli.
  6. Mattas K., Loizou S., Tzouvelekas V. and Tsakiri M. (2006). A common Input-Output model In: Bonfiglio A., Esposti R. and Sotte F. (eds) Rural Balkans and EU Integration: An Input-Output Approach. Franco Angeli.
  7. Mattas Κ., Loizou Ε. and Tzouvelekas V. (2009). Rural Development through Input-Output Modelling, pp. 273-295. In Papajorgji, P. J. and Pardalos, P. M. (Eds.) Advances in Modelling Agricultural Systems, Springer.
  8. Chatzitheodoridis, F., Michailidis, A., Theodossiou, G. and Loizou, E., (2012). Local cooperation: a dynamic force for endogenous rural development. In A. Karasavvoglou and P. Polychronidou (eds.), Balkan and Eastern European Countries in the Midst of the Global Economic Crisis.,Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, DOI 10.1007/978-3-7908-2873-3_9.
  9. Michailidis, A., Loizou, E.,  Nastis, S.A., and Chatzitheodoridis, F. (2014). Mobile Phone Applications for Agricultural Extension in Greece.  In: Saravanan, R (Ed.). Mobile Phone for Agricultural Extension: Worldwide mAgri Innovations and Promise for Future, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. Pp:245-266.
  10. Apostolidou I., Mattas K., Loizou E. and Michailidis A. (2015). Agriculture’s role in economic growth: an exploratory study among southern and northern EU countries”. In: Karasavvoglou et al. (eds.), EU Crisis and the Role of the Periphery, Contributions to Economics, pp 147-162. Springer-Verlag, Germany.
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