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Publications in a scientific journal included in the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and in Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

  • Faber A.Jarosz Z., Rutkowska A., Jadczyszyn T. 2021. Reduction of Nitrogen Losses in Winter Wheat Grown on Light Soils. Agronomy (MDPI), 11, 2337,
  • Jurga, P.; Loizou, E.; Rozakis, S. Comparing Bioeconomy Potential at National vs. Regional Level Employing Input-Output Modeling. Energies 2021, 14, 1714.
  • Jurga, P. An Assessment of the Potential of Processed Agricultural Products in Poland Compared to BIOEAST Countries, Annals PAAAE 2021, Vol. XXIII, No. (4) DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0015.5225
  • Kozak, M.; Pudełko, R. Impact Assessment of the Long-Term Fallowed Land on Agricultural Soils and the Possibility of Their Return to Agriculture. Agriculture 2021, 11, 148.
  • Kampas A., Rozakis S., Faber A., Mamica Ł. Assessing the Green Growth Trajectory through Resource and Impact Decoupling Indices: The Case of Poland. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2021; 30 (3):2573–2587.
  • Mullender S., Sandor M., Pisanelli A., Kozyra J Borek R. Ghaley BB., Adrain G., von Oppenkowski M., Roesler T., Salkanovic E., Smith J., Smith L. 2020. A delphi-style approach for developing an integrated food/non-food system sustainability assessment tool. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 84: 106415.
  • Rozakis, S.; Bartoli, A.; Dach, J.; Jedrejek, A.; Mamica, Ł; Pochwatka, P.; Pudełko, R.; Shu, K. Policy Impact on Regional Biogas Using a Modular Modeling Tool. Energies 2021, 14, 3738.
  • Smith L., Westaway S., Mullender S., Ghaley B.B., Xu Y., Lehmann L.M., Pisanelli A., Russo G., Borek R., Wawer R. Borzęcka M. Sandor M., Gliga A., Smith J. Assessing the multidimensional elements of sustainability in European agroforestry systems. Agricultural Systems.

Publications in a scientific journal included in the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, without an Impact Factor

  • Faber A., Jarosz Z. 2021. Możliwość ograniczenia strat azotu przy zachowaniu żyzności gleb w uprawach pszenicy ozimej w Polsce w nawiązaniu do strategii ‘od pola do stołu’. Przemysł Chemiczny, 100/11, 1059-1060.
  • Kampas, A., Czech, K., & Rozakis, S. (2021). How globalisation and environmental policy stringency affect the environmental terms of trade? The case of the V4 countries. International Journal of Green Economics, 15(3), 233-252.

Other publications (in journals not included in the list of the Ministry of Education and Science)

  • Kundzewicz Z., Zaleski J., Nachlik E., Januchta-Szostak A. (red): Gospodarowanie wodą – wyzwania dla Polski.  Nauka 1/2021, 79-102I, SSN 1231-8515, DOI: 10.24425/nauka.2021.136305. autorzy z IUNG-PIB: Kozyra J. Wawer R.

Scientific monographs and academic coursebooks

  • Gołaszewski J., Krzyżaniak M., Olba-Zięty E., Stolarski M., Radawiec W., Konkol M., Kowalski R., Rój E., Faber A. Technologie rynkowe przetwarzania biomasy lignocelulozowej do biopaliw stałych, ciekłych i gazowych. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, 2021. ISBN 978-83-8100-230-1.
  • Osann A., Lopez M.L., Lopez H., Jara F., Padilla G., Olivas A., Armesto A.P., Arozarena I., Calera A., Cifuentes D., Koppen S., Bruck S., Fabiani S., Pirelli T., Nino P., Vanino S., di Fonzo A., Chanzy A., Pareja E., Wawer R. , Kozyra J. , Skowron P., Harasim A.  Jończyk K., De Michele C., 2021, Study for the development of a common framework for the quantitative advice of crop nutrient requirements and greenhouse gas emissions and removal assessment at farm level. Collecting information to make the methodologies operational for real cases. 35ss.

Chapters in scientific monographs and academic coursebooks

  • Jarosz Z., Faber A.: Wpływ zmian w metodyce szacowania na emisję podtlenku azotu z produkcji rolniczej. Studia i Raporty IUNG-PIB, 2021, 65(19): 150-161. DOI: 10.26114/sir.iung.2021.65.10.
  • Jarosz Z., Faber A.: Wpływ zmian w metodyce szacowania na emisje metanu z rolnictwa w Polsce. Studia i Raporty IUNG-PIB, 2021, 65(19): 163-172. DOI: 10.26114/sir.iung.2021.65.11
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